Compact for America Press and Policy Kit
Only the Compact for America Initiative makes it possible to propose and ratify a powerful federal Balanced Budget Amendment with the passage of one bill by 38 states and one resolution by a simple majority of Congress. Learn how and why here.


Former Alaska Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell, Chairman of the Compact for a Balanced Budget Commission, is focused on motivating state and congressional leadership to get behind the Compact approach as the safest, most certain and speediest way fix the national debt. Email Commissioner Treadwell with questions about why the Compact approach is the best path forward.

Georgia Representative Paulette Rakestraw, Vice Chair of the Compact for a Balanced Budget Commission, helped found the historic first interstate agency with the mission of uniting the states to fix the national debt. Email or call (770-294-1039) Chair Rakestraw with questions about how the states are tackling the number one threat facing the nation.

Mississippi Speaker Pro Tem Greg Snowden, Mississippi Commissioner for the Compact for a Balanced Budget Commission, is available for questions about his state's leadership in fighting for fixing the federal debt. Feel free to email him.

The Essence of the Initiative
What the People Want!
McLaughlin & Associates National Poll (Executive Summary/Full Data)
West Third Group Alabama Poll
West Third Group Michigan Poll
West Third Group North Carolina Poll
West Third Group Ohio Poll
West Third Group Texas Poll
Major News Coverage of Compact for America
May 16, 2015
Reason Magazine: Getting a Balanced Budget via Article V Constitutional Convention [sic] 2.0
December 16, 2014
Forbes: Could Compact for America's Constitutional Amendment Stop the Federal Juggernaut?
November 13, 2014
The Times Herald: Fed Up With the Political Class' Cash Machine? Balance the Budget
October 31, 2014
Washington Post: No Reason to be Wary of a Constitutional Convention
September 23, 2014
Wisconsin Daily Independent: Why Constitutionalists Should No Longer Fear an Article V Convention
Feb. 26, 2014
Dec. 6, 2013
National Constitution Center: Fulfilling the promise of Article V with an Interstate Compact
November 19, 2013
Key Policy Analyses