Its Time To Pass A Balanced Budget Amendment and End The FISCAL Civil War
It took courage to pass the 13th amendment and end the Civil War, back then. It will take courage to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment and...

Got Fewer than 2 Minutes to Learn How to Save the Republic?
Watch this John Locke Foundation video about the powerful non-partisan federal Balanced Budget Amendment at the heart of Compact For...

Article V: Cause For Fear, Or Call To Courage?
It’s amazing how many lies prevail today. After all, as humans, here we sit, on the brink of great mind bending technological...

See Compact for America’s Balanced Budget Amendment for Yourself!
Conscientious Americans are extremely apprehensive when it comes to “editing” the U.S. Constitution that many courageous souls have...

Rep. Paul A. Gosar takes America's Compact for a Balanced Budget to The Hill
Rep. Paul A. Gosar's (R-Ariz.) latest effort to help America "reel" in and take back "D.C. Island" came in the form of a masterful...

Reading Between the Headlines: We STILL Need BINDING Federal Budgets
“ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”...