Compact for America is a Better Investment
I recognize that we are in the middle of political giving season, but wouldn’t it make more sense to invest your dollar in a tax...

Reading is Believing
Often forgotten in the state-based effort to originate federal constitutional amendments is the quality of the amendment that might be...

What Did Scalia REALLY Say about A5?
The usual suspects who are opposed to organizing an Article V convention claim the Compact for a Balanced Budget cannot limit the...

What Would Simon and Tsongas Do?
Perhaps you remember this guy: Former Democratic U.S. Senator Paul Simon (IL) Or this guy: Late Democratic U.S. Senator Paul Tsongas (MA)...

Want to Make a Difference?
Some folks claim that a federal Balanced Budget Amendment would not make a difference. That may be true of some BBA proposals. But it is...

What We Worry?
How huge and looming is that national debt crisis? The Brookings Institution recently declared it’s “worse than you think.” Take a look...

What Good is Another Parchment Barrier?
Those who oppose states using their power to originate amendments under Article V often start with the question, “Why amend the...

How Safe is Safe Enough?
Is this safe enough? There are few, if any, more impactful moves anyone could make in politics that are as safe as the Compact for a...

Let's Protect Our Kids
Every child born today owes nearly $60,000 as his share of our $18.4+ trillion national debt. But that’s not all—nearly $650,000 is the...

Less Debt Means Less Borrowing Cost
To illustrate the wisdom of supporting the Compact for a Balanced Budget, I wanted to share with you an email I received from one of our...